Carlos Rene Ramirez
Born: March 27, 1961, Laredo, Texas
Parents: Rosalio & Berta G. Ramirez
Brother: Gerardo Ramirez
Married to: Raquel Gutierrez de Ramirez
Deceased: March 28, 2019
Music & Choir Teacher at Dr. Joaquin G. Cigarroa Middle School, LISD(for more than 32 wonderful & beautiful years)
Blessed with 8 children; ages 21 to 35 with one girl in heaven.
7 graduates from Dr. Leo G. Cigarroa High School, Laredo ISD:
We now enjoy a Professional Graphic Artist,
A Middle School Teacher & Coach who left her profession to become Registered Nurse
A Youth Minister & Catholic Religion Teacher, a Home Care-Taker for my parents
A former Texas License Agent for Life Insurance and Music Entrepreneur with his “Ricky Ram Band”
A student for Medical Assistant
A student at Dell Mar College Corpus Christi
A student at Texas A&M International University.
Carlos Rene is a graduate of Raymond & Tirza Martin High, Class of 1979. He attended Laredo Jr. College, plus a couple of classes as an Undergraduate Theology Student at St. Mary’s University. Carlos Rene has become an Author & Facilitator of his Curriculum for Parent, Family & Community Engagement. He can be found at his website: carlosreneramirez.com
He worked for the Laredo ISD as the Lead Parent & Family Engagement Liaison. He was the author, facilitator, and presenter of the curriculum of all the 52 Parental Skills & Development Courses. Since “Spring of 2014” he has delivered over 180 Courses with Parent Classes, in-person and virtually and hosted over 10,000 parents and community members. Carlos Rene has been a presenter in Austin with the ACET (Association for Compensatory of Texas Conference), in Edinburg at the Family Engagement Regional Conference, presented at Mercedes ISD, in Laredo at the Parent & Family Engagement Education Workshop & Community Fair. He has presented in the Breakout Sessions for 2018 TEA Statewide Parental Involvement Conference in Frisco, Texas and in San Marcos, for their 2019 TEA Statewide Parental Involvement Conference as a Figure Speaker and Breakout Session presenter. These Courses have been awarded a State Recognition.
Carlos Rene is no stranger for his Parental Involvement and volunteerism with the Laredo ISD. He has been recognized as Santo Niño Elementary School Parent of the Year 1995 & 1996. He was the third person from the City of Laredo to become a TEA Heroes for Children Fall 2002 Recipient, a Texas Governor Award and State Recognition. He has served in numerous committees, organizations, Councils at a school district level.
When it comes to the Catholic Church, Carlos Rene is a member of the Knights of Columbus and presently serving as the State Council Growth South Hispanic Development Chairman. In the Knights of Columbus, he and his beloved family were recognized as the:
2012 KC Family of the Year for the State of Texas and
4 th Runner-Up in the 2012 KC International Family of the Year.
Cardinal Medeiros Fellow – +Raquel G. Ramirez – July 2019
Cardinal Medeiros Fellow – Carlos Rene Ramirez – May 2022
He is a Certified Youth Minister within the Diocese of Laredo.
He is an Instructor with the Diocese of Laredo Pastoral Institute to help Catechists acquire their diocesan certification. He is well known as a Retreat Coordinator and Retreat Presenter. Presently, he continues to be a Catechist of over 40 years serving as a Confirmation Instructor.
The City of Laredo has honored him and his late wife, by renaming the Santo Niño WIC Clinic to “Carlos Rene & Raquel G. Ramirez WIC Clinic & Health Center” this past May 24, 2022.
Sesiones de Manantial de Familias
“Manatial de Familias Disfruto Resfrescante Sesiones”, Spring of Families Enjoying Refreshing Sessions is a time to discover a deeper learning and growing of family life! It is almost like a stream of water that flows naturally from the ground (Family’s grassroots) or between rocks (different support to families), that parents, families, and community create their unique sense of family unity. The joy of rediscovering as they live together and bring alive the common life they share. Our hope and desire is to have distinctive pleasure and refreshing satisfaction more pleasantly different from what they are used to.